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April 14, 2017 4 min read
Learning that your beloved canine companion has been diagnosed with cancer is a difficult and heartbreaking experience. You may be wondering what the next steps are, and what your furry friend's future will be like.
We put together a great guide to understanding canine cancer and how alternative medicines like Yunnan Baiyao can help.
First, let's look at exactly what Yunnan Baiyao is.
Yunnan Baiyao may be the most interesting miracle drug you've never hear of.
Yunnan Baiyao (literally "Yunnan White Drug" in Chinese) is a hemostatic powdered medicine. Hemostatic essentially means "to arrest the flow of blood within the vessels".
Yunnan Baiyao was used significantly by the Vietcong to stop bleeding during the Vietnam War. Originally, it was developed by a Chinese man named Qu Huanzhang in the early 1900's and donated to Chinese soldiers during the Battle of Taierzhuang.
Now, Yunnan Baiyao is used across China with a reputation similar to the United States and penicillin.
Yunnan Baiyao has been found to significantly reduce internal bleeding.
The main ingredient of Yunnan Baiyao is steamed and raw San Qi. This is typically combined with astringent herbs like myrrh.
However, the exact formula of Yunnan Baiyao is a closely guarded secret and is only manufactured by one state-owned enterprise in China (however, you can buy Yunnan Baiyao from third-party retailers online easily). The company mentions progesterone, saponins, alkaloids, and calcium phosphate as part of the formula.
Yunnan Baiyao typically comes in capsule form that is taken orally.
Before we get into how Yunnan Baiyao can help your dog's cancer, let's look at how canine cancer is typically treated:
Treating your canine's cancer with surgery is considered the best option-- and the survival rate is impressive!
Radiation therapy and chemo are options that should be considered if the surgery isn't entirely successful.
In the meantime, your pup is probably in pain and is dealing with internal bleeding from the surgery or the tumor itself. So what can you do to help?
It is important to understand that Yunnan Baiyao is not a "cure" for cancer.
Rather, if your dog is suffering from a bleeding cancerous tumor, Yunnan Baiyao can significantly help reduce that internal bleeding.
Yunnan Baiyao can help reduce canine cancer symptoms in the following ways:
Not only is Yunnan Baiyao a great holistic choice for treating internal bleeding as a result of your dog's cancers, but it has a ton of other benefits as well.
First-- just because a type of medication is herbal or alternative does not necessarily mean it isn't an effective and worthwhile "real" medication.
Yunnan Baiyao is used across one of the biggest countries in the world, and its effectiveness has been proved.
So why use Yunnan Baiyao instead of other drugs? Synthetic medications can be used for pain management and to reduce internal bleeding, but you may find the side effects a bit troubling.
Yunnan Baiyao has no known side effects, making it an excellent choice to try.
There's more to treating your dog's cancer and cancer symptoms than just giving them a capsule of Yunnan Baiyao.
Consider all of your pup's needs, including:
A dose of Yunnan Baiyao for your pup is dependant on their size. Most pills come in formulas that range from 10mg to 120mg capsules, so use this guide for reference:
If you're using the powder inside the capsule to treat an open wound, keep the treatment at a dosage of one 250mg capsule per 22 lbs.
While there are no known side effects to Yunnan Baiyao, there are some things you should remember before starting treatment:
Diet in combination with Yunnan Baiyao treatments can significantly help your pup during this trying time.
A Grain free dog food is recommended.
If your dog is already eating dry food, they may need more protein. Some of the best sources are:
Just as well, your pup needs more of the following in their diet to fight fatigue and muscle deterioration:
Be sure to consult your vet before giving your pet ANY of these herbs-- some of them may combine unfavorably and be toxic. Work with your vet to find the best combination.
Canine cancer doesn't have to be so scary. With high survival rates and holistic alternative treatments, your dog has hope yet.
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