The Benefits of Holistic Healing for Cancer in Dogs.
If you're looking for an alternative treatment for your dog's cancer, holistic healing is what you need for your furry friend. Read on for all the benefits.

There is nothing more difficult for pet owners than receiving a cancer diagnosis for your companion. You can tell your pet is suffering and at the same time, you are scared about the outcome.
You're ready to do anything to help. Unfortunately, the entire process can be frustrating.
Canine cancer is deadly serious. Incidents of cancer in dogs are on the rise.
And for pets over 10 years of age canine cancer is the number one cause of death.
If your pet has a cancer diagnosis you may feel helpless. But holistic healing provides hope for pet owners.
You can relieve the pain and improve the quality of your pet's life. This is something every pet owner wants to do for their loving companion.
We'll help you find out how holistic healing can help.
Let's get your pet the best treatment plan possible. Here we go:
Traditional Cancer Treatment For Dogs
If you have a trusted veterinarian you probably know they love pets too. For those of us who are fortunate enough to get great medical help for our pets, there is no doubt they want to help.
Traditional cancer treatment typically includes a basic treatment plan with one or more components:
- Surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
Each of these treatments attacks the cancer directly. And the treatments themselves can do damage to your dog's health along the way.
Holistic healing helps heal your dog and improve the quality of life during treatment.
Even with advances in medicine, you need to treat your dog's health as a whole.
Advances in Traditional Medication
One of the biggest sources of hope for dog owners wrestling with canine cancer is scientific research. Luckily, there are often advances in treatment options and medicine that can reduce and relieve tumors and help cure cancer.
Unfortunately, some of these treatments aren't on the market yet or may be unsafe. And even as advances are made, traditional treatments don't handle cancer as a whole.
Cancer impacts your dog's emotional well-being, overall health, and quality of life. Even when using the latest medicines, holistic treatments help.
They treat the entire problem. When used in conjunction with a traditional treatment plan, holistic approaches help every step of the way.
Holistic Treatments Are Safe
Holistic means safe and natural. With Yunnan Baiyao and other holistic healing approaches, you can make sure you aren't further risking the health of your dog.
What could be more heartbreaking than using a medicine only to discover it does more harm than good to your pet? Unfortunately, traditional medications and drugs have side effects that can include death.
And all dog owners know that our pets sometimes get into mischief and chew things they shouldn't. In a series of recent incidents, 5 dogs died from the side effects of a non-holistic skin cream.
You want to make sure you choose holistic treatment options that are made of natural ingredients and are safe for your pet. Yunnan Baiyao is a holistic healing option you can use with peace of mind.
It's safe for pets and humans too.
Yunnan Baiyao and Holistic Healing
Have you heard of Yunnan Baiyao? Like many treatments, it's a natural medicine that has been shown to have numerous benefits for treating cancer in dogs.
The medicine has a long history of use in Eastern Medicine. Developed in 1916, Yunnan Baiyo has been used by surgeons to reduce bleeding and was an important component of first aid kits for soldiers over the years.
What can the medicine do for your dog? While your veterinarian is attempting to remove and cure cancer in your dog, Yunnan Baiyao can help the treatment.
There are many benefits to including the medicine in the treatment plan for your dog.
Benefits of Yunnan Baiyao in Dog Cancer Treatment
Chinese herbal medicine is a great addition to a holistic healing plan in dogs. "Holistic" literally means related to the whole or complete system.
We all know that when it comes to canine cancer the symptoms are just as bad as the disease. Yunnan Baiyao is one of the Chinese herbal medicines that treats the whole issue and reduces symptoms.
The medicine can reduce swelling and internal bleeding from the tumors. In addition, if surgery is performed to remove the tumor, Yunnan Baiyao will help relieve post-surgical bleeding.
You can include safe and effective Chinese herbal medicines in your holistic healing plan.
Holistic Options
There are a variety of holistic options that can help your dog heal and improve the quality of life during the treatment process.
These options include:
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Hydrotherapy
- Magnetic Field Therapy
- Chinese Herbal Medicine (Yunnan Baiyao)
Luckily, these treatments are easy and inexpensive. They help your pet's health.
Unlike traditional approaches, holistic treatments are inexpensive. One of the worst parts of caring for our pet is the incredible expense.
Every medicine, procedure, test, treatment, surgery and veterinarian visit seems more expensive than the last. It makes our chest sink to hear the cost and wonder if we can afford it.
What's worse is not knowing if some of these traditional treatments will work. We are scared for our pet and continue to throw money at an issue that might not be getting better.
Holistic treatments are different. They are comparatively inexpensive and directly help the health and happiness of your pet.
Get Started
If your dog has a recent cancer diagnosis it's important to get started soon. Or if you are watching the treatment process and are unhappy about the pain and discomfort your pet is in, it's time to help.
Veterinarians often advise their clients to use a holistic approach along with the traditional methods. You'll be making your dog healthier and happier with a holistic plan.
Once you understand the effectiveness of holistic healing and the low costs, you'll need to find the treatments and medicines that help right away.
Yunnan Baiyao is an essential part of your dog's cancer treatment plan.
How Can I Help My Dog With Yunnan Baiyao?
It's one thing to know holistic treatments work. It's another thing to use the right doses, methods, and treatments.
We can help. We've put together a guide for using Chinese herbal medicine with your dog to improve health, well-being, and quality of life.
Don't wait another day to help your dog feel better.
Visit our guide for using Yunnan Baiyao to manage canine cancer now.